I'm in love with
Dlyn's interviews, so I sat the Terrorists down to an interview last night after the lunar eclipse.
I saw Morey and thought I'd talk to him first. You can see he's quite attentive and very ready to answer all of my poignant questions.
Interviewer: "So, Morey, how are you feeling these days? I read on one of the gossip blogs that you're rumored to be heading off to rehab...any truth to those rumors? I know you've not been feeling quite yourself and perhaps had gone to the vet for "exhaustion". We're just concerned."
Morey: "I refuse to stoop to your insignificant level and answer that question. As you can tell, I feel perfectly fine. I do not see any reason why I would have to go to rehab. Regardless, I won't go, go, go."

Interviewer: "Well, I'm just doing my journalistic duty and asking you the tough questions. On another note, it appears that you've really let yourself go. I know the shaggy look is in, however don't you think that this is a bit extreme?"
Morey: "Scruff is in, don't you know? Personally I am a bit put out with my unkempt appearance. The real rub is that I do not possess opposable thumbs so I cannot dial a phone and ring up my groomer. Therefore I am at the mercy of you, my owner, to call the groomer and to then drive me to my appointment. Perhaps you could call them now, hmmmm?"

Interviewer: "Absolutely, we'll head off this weekend and get you all neatened up. So, I also wanted to chat with you about the army that you and your sister have formed - The Squirrel Eradication Force - are you actively recruiting new members and how are your efforts working as far as lowering the population of squirrels?"
Morey: "Well, Leah is much more involved in The Squirrel Eradication Force than me. I am truly more of a lover than a fighter, but I never pass up the opportunity to bark after and threaten one of those tree dwelling, demon spawn vermin. Perhaps you should speak with Leah for more information on TSEF."
Interviewer: "Okay...I'll go see what info I can get from her. You've been wonderful to talk to."
Interviewer: "So Leah, what would you like say about TSEF today?"
Leah: "TSEF...I am not sure of what group you are referring to."
Interviewer: "Well I understand you you and Morey are co-founders of The Squirrel Eradication Force. I was hoping to speak with you regarding your promotion and recruitment of members as well as your eradication tactics."
Leah: "I do not speak to outsiders about TSEF. It is on a need to know basis and you do not need to know. All you need to know is that we are always looking for Schnauzers who are looking to join our ranks."

Interviewer: "Okay, I completely understand your need for privacy and security regarding your organization. So, perhaps I can speak with you regarding the rumor that you once had children?"
Leah: "Do I have to answer this question? This is so tiring."
Interviewer: "So, are the rumors true?"
Leah: "Perhaps I will let you leave with your ankles intact."

Interviewer: "There's no need to get personal. I just asked a question."
Leah: "I do not like speaking about these alledged puppies. I am done with this interview"

Well, as you can see, Leah can get a bit testy.
Happy Thursday everyone!