Friday, August 22, 2008

Who punches like a girl?

Ohhh....I am so super psyched because I got our Wii yesterday! Thanks to my lil bro and super sis-in-law!!! I have hunted all over my side of Atlanta only to always come up empty handed. I was determined that I wasn't spending a gajillion bucks on eBay for one either! My lil bro lives out in West Tennessee where there are only smallish kinda towns but they have a plethora of Super Wal-Marts in the area - go figure - too close to Arkansas apparently. He made an off-hand comment to me one day on the phone that he sees Wiis in the stores now down there and they're not so hard to find. Well...I texted him a few days later and begged him to please oh please buy me one and that I promised my check would be good and I'd pay him back. Well, he believed me and my Wii arrived yesterday. I promptly went home and worshipped the box...and tried to hold myself back from hooking it up before Shooter came home. I ended up deciding that we'd need to eat sometime so I put a pot of marinara sauce on the stove to simmer and by that time Shooter and hauled himself home. I hooked it up with a little participation from him and we were off.

We bowled...I kicked Shooter's butt....then Shooter boxed and won his first fight in the third round....then I boxed and one my first fight in the second round...and my second in the first round....and my third in the third round. Yea, I may punch like a girl but I'm MEAN!!!! ;-) I then played a little tennis and then my arm started to hurt a little...I figured I better give it up before I get to the point where I can't type at all. So I played with the Mii channel and that was tons of fun too.

I highly recommend getting one of these games, guys. It's highly addicting but loads of fun too!!

What you say? You have to probably work most of the day Saturday, Shooter? Oh, no problem, I'll figure out some way to keep myself busy. hahahaha!!!!


Also, Country Girl apparently reads my Tweets....god bless her....and she's clamoring for a pic of my new tattoo. Well, here's a really crappy on that I took this morning with my camera phone. I'm warning you, it's totally crappy, but I promise to get a better one.

It's a branch of cherry blossoms and I've only had the line work done so far. There was a little miscommunication between my artist and I on what I wanted so he had to completely redraw his design and then he had a scheduling screw-up so we just decided to do the line work first and then color it in later. I have an appointment in two weeks but I'm hoping to get back in next weekend to finish it. We'll see. You can also see the other tattoo I have on my back in the bottom corner....we a portion of it. It's three entwined circles with the overlapping parts emhasized in a new color. It is a Celtic Triquetra representing the Holy Trinity. The cherry blossoms....well, they represent the female - the amazing strength coupled with fragility that makes a woman so mysterious. I can't wait to see how the color work comes artist is amazing! If you're ever in the Atlanta area...check them's Joey Wallace at Karmic Tattoo.


Ugh...I'm sitting here and my back is sore, my arm is sore and I'm tired. Damn that Wii!!! ;-)

Later lovelies!



Bekah said...

sweet! i love it!

my brother in law is a tattoo artist, well...a former one, he sold his shop, he lets me work on the designs. I just did my husbands design. I <3 tattoos!

Di said...

what is the difference between a totally crappy picture and a really crappy picture?

Laura B. said...

Dude...I ramble for all that time and you pick that one little thing out? Gah...I don't know if I can call you my bestie anymore! ;-)

Anonymous said...

I was visiting my sister for Thanksgiving last year. Me, the wife, all four kids.

I spent so much time in the guest room playing their Wii I can't even describe it. I was a tennis playin' fool. Everyone was like, "where's Hank?"

for a different kind of girl said...

Oh, how I want a Wii! If we ever get one, we'll have to hide it from our kids for about a month so we could play it while they slept because we might never get it back when they got their grubby paws on it, but oh, I want one! Our old PS2is just mocking us now!

Vanessa said...

UGH! My arm is so sore from my new Wii! The upside is that it appears I should have been given an Olympic Medal in Wii Bowling. Have a great weekend.

Dreams of a Country Girl said...

oh my i so freakin love it....really...and you rock cause i am such a baby,,,

you should totally make shooter take pics when you get it filled in and blog about it

i will come if he is unavailable, but then i will post them on my blog...and say it is me...and pretend i am all brave and cool like you..

oh my, i've gone to far again.