Tuesday, August 31, 2010
I'm now one of THOSE mothers.....
Those were the easy days. I didn't realize just how easy I had it when Parker was an infant.
I wore my "I'm not a slave to a schedule" button like a badge of honor. I proudly stated that we were a free flowing kinda family....just did as we pleased without a ton of structure around us. We thrived on that...we enjoyed it.
We did...all of us did....until.....
......the surgery.......
Since "the surgery" a lot of things changed for us, as I've already mentioned in another post. Additionally, Parker has decided that he's a real creature of habit. He thrives on his schedule and if we get thrown off then we're really in for it.
In a way, I like knowing that I need to be back home by a certain time because we need to get him down for his nap. But on the other hand, it's hard if I want to be flexible or if we run behind from an appointment. Luckily he'll usually flex with me about 30-45 min but that's about it.
Now I'm one of THOSE moms. One of the Moms that I always wondered about. It's interesting to see how the other half lives. :-)
My kid is unbelievable!
I first put a snall spoonful down on his placemat. He gave it a suspicious nudging with his pudgy little finger and then licked the foreign stuff on it. After smacking his lips and giving the approving, "Nom Nom Nom", he reached out and grabbed the small pile of guac and crammed it in his mouth...much like he's demonstrating above. He then started reaching for the bowl in front of me. So, like any good sacrificing Mom, I gave him pretty much the entire bowl. It was too much fun watching him snarf it down, to be honest! I ended up mixing in the contents of his vegetale taco with the guac to get some more veggies in him - he never flinched at the addition, just kept snarfing if down like we hadn't fed him in weeks and he didn't know when he'd see another meal. I think the waitresses were giving us the stink eye....
Oh....and the kid has figured out what the cake was all about that he decided not to touch at his birthday parties. Here he is at his Aunt Paige's party this weekend...again, snarfing down food....I SWEAR, we feed this kid!!! I promise!!!

I'm really enjoying watching him discover new tastes and things he enjoys. He gave some fried okra a real tentative taste...but didn't really eat any. He loves cantaloupe and plums and pluots. Oh...and cauliflower and cheese...watch out if you want to try to keep any of that to yourself!!!
Monday, August 30, 2010
So...go ahead...go over to Feisty Frugal and Fabulous to register for a free pair of See Kai Run shoes!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
It's amazing-wee awesome!
I was looking for some recipes for toddlers and came across the same website again and when I looked at it through new "eyes" I really liked what I saw!
The website is called Weelicious and it's got a ton of really great recipes for not only your toddler/baby but also the entire family.
You must check it out - I know I'm inspired to expand Parker's culinary horizons.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Recipe Time!!! Crustless Spinach Quiche
It's a crustless quiche, so it fits in with my low carb attitude. It's filled with good stuff so it makes me feel happy and it's also filled with spinach which is yummy and helps keep the inside happy and full!
Crustless Spinach Quiche
5 eggs, beaten
1 10-oz package frozen, chopped spinach, thawed
2 cups reduced fat shredded sharp cheddar cheese
16 oz reduced fat cottage cheese (small curd if you can find it)
1 bunch of green onions (sliced thin, only white and light green parts)
Prehead oven to 350 degrees. Prepare a 9 inch pie plate or cake pan by spraying it with Pam.
Squeeze the spinach in a clean kitchen towel to remove all the water. Add it to a large mixing bowl, separating it into pieces. Add the beaten eggs, cheese, cottage cheese and onions. Also, add salt, pepper and garlic powder to taste. Mix everything well and then pour into prepared pan.
Bake in the oven for about 45 min or until eggs are set.
This is such an awesome recipe. I hope you get a chance to try it soon!
Monday, August 23, 2010
What a weekend...what a month!
Wow...what a weekend...and what a month!!!!
It never ceases to amaze me how much my little man is changing. I reflected on that this morning on my way into work. It has been 3 weeks since Parker's surgery to put tubes in his ears. In that three weeks we've had the following changes happen in our house:
1) P's begun speaking new words and carrying on conversations (where only he knows what's being said, mind you). It's amazing all the new sounds he's coming up with.
2) His balance has improved exponentially and he's now walking without the "frankenstein" pose. Oh...and here's a video from only a week and a half ago...where he had a full on grasp of the "frankenstein" pose. Now he's walking in what I like to call the "Charlie Chaplin" stage. Hands down and feet pointed out and kinda shuffling along. :-)
3) He's started eating table food. This may not sound like anything major to you folks....but to a Mom who's not made a grocery trip without buying baby food in over 8 months...we're ecstatic!! We were at a trip with my company this weekend and Parker ate nothing but table food all weekend and was awesome! He would eat eggs and cheese and grits and waffles for breakfast and then has squash, pork loin, and potatoes for lunch and have mac n cheese and chicken fingers for dinner. Yesterday he even had mexican for lunch! Some chicken, pork, black beans, rice and masa from my tamales! He's such a champ!! Bonus for Mom and Dad - it feels like we've had a raise!!! :-)
4) He's now taking a sippy cup!! This is momentous for us! We tried for many weeks before his surgery to get him to take a sippy...I tried so many different kinds that I was about to throw my hands up in discouragement. Then I was finally able to get him to take a bottle like sippy that is a trainer for kids 4M old! Argh! Well, last week I bought a Born Free sippy similar to what another kiddo in his daycare class has. Of course Mom forgot the valves at home so we couldn't try them this weekend, but I gave it to him last night and he went to drinking like he'd been using that cup for months. All I can say is H-A-L-L-E-L-U-J-A-H!!!!!!
5) He's now completely off of formula and taking whole milk. Another bonus for Mom and Dad - a double raise now that he's off of formula and baby food!!! Yippee!!!!!!
6) He decided this weekend that he likes juice and water. Thank God!!! After many attempts to get him to drink something other than milk, he just decided that he'd drink some water. Then the next time we presented him with juice, he just drank it without protest. I'm beginning to think my kiddo was swapped out for another in the middle of the night. :-)
7) He's now going down to bed all by himself. It only took us a few nights after our 12-month checkup to get this down. It's a HUGE difference for Mom and Dad. We now have about two hours to ourselves to get some work done and watch TV before bedtime. AND he's sleeping all the way until it's time to go to school in the morning. It's awesome!!!
I just look at all that he's doing now and it makes me so proud....but also kinda sad. My baby boy is growing up on me and the days are flying by. We're not sure yet if we're going to have a second....so I cherish each and every day like we may not have another. I look at Parker with such awe and wonderment. He's such an amazing gift that God gave us. Honestly...I don't remember much about what my days were like before he came along. I do remember they were less hectic...and I got to sleep past 7:30am on weekends.....and it didn't matter if I had popcorn for dinner....but somehow those things seem so insignificant. :-)
Monday, August 16, 2010
Well, I thought it was a good idea....

2 veggie quiche cups (egg substitiute, red pepper, spinach, onion)
decaf coffee with fat free cream and splenda
diet v-8 fusion
laughing cow light wedge
3 celery sticks
salad with 3 grilled chicken tenders and balsamic vinegar
jell-o sugar free pudding cup
Hmm...didn't really feel like dinner so I had 2 pieces of string cheese and a small bowl of All Bran Flakes
Day 1 - Mission to get healthier and lose weight
He told me just what I knew he would....Laura, if you lost some weight, your issues would probably go away immediately. You just need to exercise and lose some weight. You need to get healthier.
I don't want my son growing up overweight the way I did. I wouldn't wish that on anyone! Now is the time that I start modeling good behaviors - healthy habits that he can begin following.
So, today I start the South Beach Diet again....I did this diet a few years ago and lost 40 pounds....but then gained it all back when I went back to eating in my familiar way. My goal is to lose 50 pounds....then I'll weigh less than I have.....well....in a LONG, LOOOOOONG time. I can do it...it just takes preparation on my part. I have to plan meals. I have to plan my lunches and snacks. I have to have my breakfast prepared ahead of time so I just grab and go. I have to make it easy on myself to eat healthy or I'll be making it easier to eat bad.
I did a modified version of the diet last week....meaning that I cheated some....and could already feel a change in my pants. But here goes nothing....I have nothing to lose but a bunch of flab! And I have so much to gain - more years with my son, more energy to play with my son, a healthier outlook, and looking positively amazing! ;-)
I'll keep myself documented on here, using this to keep myself accountable.
Oh...and here's a completely fab picture of my little man enjoying some mac and cheese yesterday at lunch:
I mean, seriously! If anyone can find the kid's wrists somewhere, I'd appreciate it! Oh...and how can one not obsess over a baby belly? He has the most amazing round belly!! :-)