I thought, well, he made the bed - I hadn't made it up before I left. Then I noticed he'd cleaned off his bedside table. Nice! Then I saw it.....
Do you guys see it? Anything out of the ordinary....something that doesn't quite belong in your bedroom??

Yea, a toilet. Specifically our master bathroom toilet. *sigh* Shooter had been busy this afternoon - he removed our toilet so he could bang away on the existing tile in the bedroom.
Let's just say that I'm REALLY REALLY REALLY glad that the toilet will only be sitting on my bedroom floor until Sunday. But that's still 4 long days from now. Oh, and I'm REALLY thankful he thought to put plastic sheeting underneath it. God Bless Him!!!!!
Also, once we got the carpet up and the padding up...the floor was phenomenally dirty...not just like dust and stuff...but Red Georgia Clay dirt under my carpet. It made me want to cry...I swept up all the crud and thought....this was all sitting under my carpet...YUCK!!!
Yea, pretty darn disgusting. I'm glad we're putting the tile in.
Oh, and don't hate me cause I'm so darned sexy in Shooter's Crocs. ;-) The go splendidly with my PJ bottoms.
he DID put it in the bedroom hahahaha....oh my
It's amazing what sifts through your carpet and pad down to the floor. And are there mites of some kind in there, YUK.
You'll enjoy the tile in the summer especially. It can be a bit cold in the winter though.
Thanks for the comment! I love your blog - I'll be checking back often!
How long did it take you to notice the toilet? It would have to have a siren on top for me to notice - I didn't see it in the first picture!! Either I'm blind or subconsciously I believe that toilets belong in the bedroom. Hmmm...
That's too hilarious!!! Yeah so I'm thinking the builders left the dirt in there...they do that sort of stuff. I have a friend that built onto her house, and when they sledgehammered the wall, there was a coke can inside it!!! haha
Ok, that's hysterical.. I did NOT notice the toilet at all.. and I was cracking up right at the beginning when I read "..I heard Shooter back in the bathroom working away..." I thought you meant he was doing a #2 or something. Maybe that was a thought I should have kept to myself but I'm sitting here totally cracking up! Then I continued reading.. aah, what a relief that you were not talking about Shooter's bm(s).
I so have to catch up on my reading and commenting.. forgive me for starting at the most recent.
Thank you for your comment.. meant a lot.. as after I posted I was feeling a bit vulnerable, ya know. You're the best!
Good luck with that bathroom! Can't wait to see the final results!
Di - Oh yea...he wasn't kidding!
Memaw - You are NOT kidding! I am already seeing the need for some nice rugs in there. :-)
Calico - Ya know...pretty quickly...I walked in and greeted the pups and then literally thought, wow, he's made the bed and look his table is clean, and ACK! A TOILET! :-)
Julia - I know...I don't dare start knocking down walls after seeing this floor.
Tina - Girl you're a nut!!! I laughed out loud as I was reading your comment. I also nearly spit diet coke on my monitor. ;-) I needed a good laugh, thanks! Oh...I wanted to email you something else, but I don't seem to have your address.
Toilet in the bedroom is definitely not right! Can't wait to see the finished product.
You could consider it a nice - and blessedly brief - sitting area in your bedroom!
that's pretty funny, everyone knows a toilet should be in the garden as a big ol' flower pot!
Nothing like a "Guess where our toilet is" post to brighten the day!! :)
I can't imagine what's under our carpet. Supposedly it's hardwood floors (the house is VERY old) but you never know. Since it's just a rental house, hopefully we'll NEVER know.
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