Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I'm now one of THOSE mothers.....

I really enjoyed the freedom I had when Parker was an infant. He could nap whenever we were in the car and I could simply throw in some jars of baby food and the formula container and some bottles filled with water when we wanted to go out for the day.

Those were the easy days. I didn't realize just how easy I had it when Parker was an infant.

I wore my "I'm not a slave to a schedule" button like a badge of honor. I proudly stated that we were a free flowing kinda family....just did as we pleased without a ton of structure around us. We thrived on that...we enjoyed it.

We did...all of us did....until.....

......the surgery.......

Since "the surgery" a lot of things changed for us, as I've already mentioned in another post. Additionally, Parker has decided that he's a real creature of habit. He thrives on his schedule and if we get thrown off then we're really in for it.

In a way, I like knowing that I need to be back home by a certain time because we need to get him down for his nap. But on the other hand, it's hard if I want to be flexible or if we run behind from an appointment. Luckily he'll usually flex with me about 30-45 min but that's about it.

Now I'm one of THOSE moms. One of the Moms that I always wondered about. It's interesting to see how the other half lives. :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm with you now. Although I always wanted Hunter to be on a (loose) schedule, I did enjoy the fact that we could still go out and about, just like you said..throw some food and bottles in the bag, a binky and a blanket. To an extent, we can still do that however I DO realize exactly when he will turn into crank-monster and I try to make sure it's when we will be in the car so that he can nap! LOL