Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Teething sucks.... my boy is not quite 4 months old yet...we have a week to go....and he's teething like a maniac. He's actually had these two teeth since he was about 12 weeks old but now they're really working their way through. He's drooling like a madman and a cranky-potamous. Don't get me wrong, he's an incredibly happy boy but his nighttime sleep habits are killing us. I think what's happening is that he's drooling so much that he's causing himself to gag a little when he lays on his back - therefore he wakes up about every 20 min or so. He sleeps well when he is laying on our chest or in his swing sleeping it will be until these teeth come in.

Pray for us....sleep deprivation is setting in....we're walking zombies....I'm not sure I'm safe to operate heavy machinery....



calicobebop said...

HOLY COW! Muffin's first teeth didn't come in until she was about 8 months! You poor thing - try and get some rest!!

Unknown said...

i have an amber teething necklace that a friend gave me for when we have kids... she swears by it. you can borrow it if ya want.... i can mail it this weekend. call me saturday if ya can, k?