Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Tears, disappointment, and hope

It's been 6 very long months. 6 very long yet very fast months. Now it's time for some kind of intervention. Not sure just how much intervention is needed or wanted. The ups and downs are hard to deal with sometimes. I tell myself to hang in there....but my self isn't doing so well today. Today is another day of disappointment. But, I have hope....I touch the brass ornament that hangs on my doorknob every morning. I think about what it means....what the future holds....what lies ahead.'s about all I have right now.....


Di said...

yeah, I know what this could be is.

a brain is not all we share

PlungerGirl said...

It's strange how a post can be about a subject the reader is not clued in on, and yet feel so familiar it burns a little. The hope part really hit home for me.

I love your blog and will squeeze out some of my own dwindling hope and send it your way.

Vanessa said...

Hang in there, I know you have had a rough year. Hopefully the light will shine on you soon. If I lived closer I'd come drag you out of the house for coffee and give you a big hug. :)

for a different kind of girl said...

Hugs to you...

Laura Marchant said...

Just found your blog today through Stacie's Madness. Not quite sure what is going on but I hope it all works out for you.

Bogart said...

The HOPE is the thing that can carry you through this forrest.

I will pray for you this morning.