Hey all!!!
I'm posting from a Starbucks this morning...it's sunny and gorgeous. Shooter and I just finished an hour on jet skis and it was a blast. Just as we were bringing the skis back, we were joined by two dolphins...it was amazing!
I have tons of pictures to share, I just haven't managed to make myself work too much on the computer, I'm sure you all understand! :0)
Oh...the story about Morey....
Well, Friday night I was on the phone with tech support from my work trying to figure out how to get my stupid computer connected to my home wireless network. The dogs were irritating me cause they were barking at who knows what in the backyard...so I let them out. Not 5 min later the tone of the barking changed considerably...you guys with dogs (or kids) know what I'm talking about. I went out to see what was the matter and Morey was in a standoff with an itty bitty kitten in our backyard. I basically hung up on tech support and ran out to save the kitten. Leah was circling from behind, but that little kitten was holding his own against my 18 pound schnauzer. I bent down and grabbed his scruff between my thumb and pointer finger and just looked at the little furball who'd so bravely stood up to not one, but two dogs. He hissed at me like he was a 50 pound panther. I cuddled the little man and finally got him to calm down. I didn't know where he'd come from but I had a good idea. We have stray cats behind out house and I was afraid that one of them had gotten up in the remnants of our dog house and birthed some kittens. I couldn't move anything so I wanted until Shooter got home. In the meantime, I took the kitten (who Di and I later named Braveheart) inside with me and the pups. We all laid down on the sofa and watched a little tv. The dogs finally ignored him and he slowly emerged from his towel and curled up on my shoulder. Shooter came home and was so surprised to see how small he was...much younger than I'd originally thought. We went out and turns out there were three more kittens back there. We gathered them up and went to see our neighbor who cares and feeds the strays. She guessed they were somewhere around 4-5 weeks old and not weaned. If we were going to take them to the humane society or a cat rescue....we'd need the Mom. Well, we tried trapping her and that didn't work. After talking to several people we decided that it would be best to put them back outside and let the Mom come get them once she was comfortable. We checked in the morning and they were gone.
I swear, little Braveheart made such an impression on me. He was small but he was the protector of his litter. Of course....Braveheart could be a girl....don't know why I assumed he was a boy...oh well. :0)
I hope to post more pictures but in the event that this relaxation overakes me....I promise to post over the weekend.
have you gone to the fort yet?!
Braveheart is the perfect name! What a spunky little guy, he's lucky you rescued him!
It was a....
wait for it...
Itty Bitty Kitty Commitee
you miss me don't 'cha =)
Ohhhh what a sweet story!!! How cute that he curled up with you...he must have been thanking you for helping him out :)
Enjoy the vaca!!!
The vacation sounds like it's off to an amazing start! Dolphins? Gorgeous!
And the kitten story was so sweet! You chose the perfect name for the little fluff!
Enjoy the rest of your time!
what a great story...and the comment that di left has me laughing!
Whit - we never made it to the fort...that's on our list for the next time...and there will be a next time very soon!
Vanessa - oh he's spunky alright!!
Di - I miss you more than you know! I have so many fun tales to fill you in on!
Julia - that Braveheart is a snuggle bunny for sure! so sweet!
DKOG - yup...I couldn't believe it! I nearly ran my jet ski into a huge pole..hehe...that would have been a fun one...
TZ - Luckily I know Di IRL - that way I get those hysterical comments all the time. ;-)
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